Kamis, 10 Oktober 2013

Mushroom , aquarium

That time. The feeling of your hands which have been washed for many times, again and again-even you have added soap too-they still feel like there is some layers above it that you can't deny that they are exist there. Just because you played with some polyurethane, a kind of plastic that formed by mixed two kinds of oils on the same amount. That silly feeling was made by the oils, not the plastic I think. The oils itself has the slighter viscosities than coconut oil. The oils seem to be easily poured into a little plastic glass and then be mixed in the paperglass, but the fact is just not like what you thought. Not beause the oils theirself but because they were put on the big metal containers, reminds me of gasoline containers or oil containers, something like that. 
Now that feeling is still exist! Hah. It becomes worse when your hands wet, it feels like the layers become thicker and thicker. 

The appearance of polyurethane itself was amazing. It was foaming since the time you mix the two kinds of oils. It kept foaming and foaming and then it came out from the papercup you used to mix the oils, giving you the perfect mushroom-like shape, if you are lucky. If you don't, dont worry it would look like some cupcakes or there will be some cracks on your beautifully shaped mushroom's head. Which one will be yours, it depends on the amount of CO2 that the mixture has. Because that foam was formed by the CO2 that wants to go out as many as he wants. Hahaha. 
Ah dont forget that the papercup you use to mix the oils will become hot because the oils makes the binding that can make them stronger, and at the time of making the bind, they release the heat to the environtment. That environment is the papercup you use. 

Dari satu kelas aquarium, lima orang itu sekarang ada di empat kota, tiga negara, dua benua. Teknologi benar-benar ajaib. Bisa melipat jarak yang sekian ribu kilometer. Waaaaahhhh. 

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