Jumat, 08 Februari 2013

Back to winter mode

I thought it had been spring last week. Yep, last week the highest temperature was 17 degrees. Far more higher than the previous week. Also in the japanese old calendar, it should have been spring. February 3rd is called setsubun, last day of winter.
But the truth is, it turned cold again in the last days. Even today the temperature dropped to -1 degrees, the puddles turned into ice and the snow was falling. They was falling in the morning, at noon and afternoon when i back from school.
Actually that was not kind of heavy snowy today, only a little-powder-likey-snow one. And i love it.
I was feeling like living on the world of magic, where the snow is falling, blew by the wind and dancing all around. They come to you from up of your head. From in front of you, behind you. Your left side, right side. They come from everywhere.
I enjoy playing with them. The snow. Always.
I think today i like winter much more than usual. Winter is beautiful. The sky was dark and gloomy but it's beautiful. And ya, the most i love from winter is the snow.
Of course i dont forget my kairo. They always make me warm. They were just there, inside my coat's pockets, both of the right and the left. I loooove kairo.
Okay, i love snow and kairo i think. (笑)

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